One foundational belief held by the pro-life community is that all life is sacred. The sanctity of human life is in jeopardy from a threat not always attributed as such, and that is in the movement to normalize pedophilia.  As the world remains fixed on contending with the coronavirus, I submit that pedophilia presents its... Continue Reading →

The women’s health and fertility app FEMM has been targeted by a group known for assailing pro-life supporters. Individuals behind a website called also initiated the Abortion Access Hackathon, a crusade originating in 2017 to organize abortion proponents technologically and excoriate pro-life groups. The exposefakeclinics website similarly seeks to mobilize abortion supporters to negatively assail the... Continue Reading →

An abortion activist website misrepresents pro-life advocacy in its aim to enlist Texans in abortion advocacy, raising the question of just who it is that has meeting the needs of women at the forefront.  Individuals behind the Texas Abortion Access Network (TAAN) accuse pro-life advocates of exploiting the coronavirus pandemic, blocking abortion access and “targeting”... Continue Reading →

An upstate New York family is responding to the negative economic effect of the COVID-19 pandemic with an adaptive strategy to help the community by implementing free Pop-Up Pregnancy Centers.  During the upheaval caused by the virus in recent months, mandatory social distancing and stay-at-home orders have forced many community resources to shut down. Among... Continue Reading →

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